
M. M.
2 min readMar 27, 2023


Wind blows water into sand
and sand to stone
and stone to land

and on that land I stand to watch
the water wave
each wave unmatched

The sands of time, of night and day
they swirl on beach
in nature’s fray

Our troubles here dissolve in froth
They hit the rocks
They break in locks

And ebb away.
And little crabs crawl up in shells
They whisper what, is yours to tell.

Is ours to know
and to dissolve

We are but sand
We are but dust
Come join with us
Come play with us.

The water sighs and jokes with me
Let go your business on the land
It is a bigger thing I have.

Come see my friend,
I’ll let you frolic in my sea.

It’s true they say
My price is high
but I’ll grant freedom in my way.

So many men have come to wave.
Some come and go
Some come to stay

I like your people, I set free
Let go your business, follow me
I know the land, my lover old

It will stay there, both hot and cold
Like every lover I should say
The land needs time to miss the day

I cannot offer you new life
But I will give the space and time

And if you want
You can be mine

But in return you’ll give to me
A lock of hair, a braid, a tree
And in my gamble,
in my wake
Some offer more.
And more I take.

For freedom yours
The sons of land,
They come to me,
They turn to sand.

It’s not my will, It’s not my way

But it’s the price

It’s here to stay.

And you must know,
It’s yours to bear
Your freedom comes
At cost thrice paid

The waves they see,
They cover all,
They’ll turn to sand.
And in the end, return to land.

My land, my love, my friend.

Your troubles pass
We’re here to stay.

